World War 3 Will Be Sparked By Plane Crash This Year!

  • 29-Jan-2023

The ‘new Nostradamus’ has made a terrifying claim a plane crash will spark World War 3 this year.

Craig Hamilton-Parker, who has been dubbed the ‘new Nostradamus’ after correctly predicting the Queen's death, has foreseen a horrific plane crash in Taiwan that could spark the start of World War 3 this year.

The psychic has explained how he has forecast an incident where either a ‘collision’ between two submarines or a crash between two planes will take place.

Craig said that the incident will trigger a much bigger conflict involving China and Russia and it will become the ‘most serious thing for the next coming two years’.

He said: I've been saying for some time that I felt that would be a conflict over Taiwan, which I think is going to happen this year.

‘I think we're going to get an accidental conflict in some respects because we're going to have something like a [freak collision or incident.’

Tensions in the Asian region have reached new heights recently as China claims that Taiwan is a part of its territory, while Taiwan claims it is an independent nation.

The US has taken the side of Taiwan, meaning that any conflict between the Asian countries could escalate to dramatic levels.

Scarily, Craig predicts that the scale of the conflict could get rather large, and even make the horrific war in Ukraine appear small.

He again said, I feel also that Russia will side with China to become a pariah state in that respect because it will egg on China and make matters worse. So that's that's my main concern.

‘Ultimately, it works out well though. I feel it ends up with a new China that's broken into multiple countries. Rather than one big China.’

In addition to Craig's claim, Nostradamus also predicted that a ‘great war’ could take place soon.

While the French astrologer's predictions do not reference specific dates and with the ongoing Russia-Ukraine and China-Taiwan conflicts, a war could be on the cards for 2023.

