‘Basudhaiba Kutumbakam’ At Stake

  • 22-Apr-2021
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‘Basudhaiba Kutumbakam’ says about ‘we belong to one family.’ Then what is going on?

General Election became a very divisive topic of conversation in India. There have been many points of debate, from the Coronavirus to social justice. However, expressing one’s political opinion can come with treacherous aftershocks. As the years have progressed, political opinions have caused drastic divisions between people and has even affected the relationships people have with their families and friends.

Generations differ in many aspects partially due to the time period in which they were raised. One of the most prominent contrasting aspects between older generations such as Jawaharlal Nehru and newer generations, such as Narendra Modi, is their respective views on politics. 

This generation is very opinionated, and everyone is very strong willed and always wants to say ‘I like this and I don’t want to change that.’ I feel like a lot of disagreements could happen with everyone having such different opinions, and that could possibly ruin friendships, and even relationships between husband and wife, and boyfriend and girlfriend.

Politics has always and will most likely continue to be a sensitive subject for those involved in the conversations. The fact that everyone feels discriminated against by others opinions is very sad. If a student has an opinion, they shouldn’t be shut down by the counter argument. I choose not to be a part of a conversation about politics because I don’t want to see others offend or be offended by a belief.

People can use their voice to try to find out things about others. People have the ability to assume things of others without having a lot of background knowledge.

It seems like people are always trying to figure out what your views are, so even when you try not to share your views, people always seem to get out of you and push you to say it even when you don’t want to. 

The results of the election will further divide an already divided the nation. In theory, we were about to split the nation because people are stupid. There is no real end to division. It just continues. As time goes on, and as our country’s opinions continue to shift into different worlds, there is no way that people will be able to stop hurting each other because of their gender, race, religion, and political affiliation. 
It is important to not discuss politics in school because it can have a greater impact on the adults. If a student wants to have a conversation with me about that subject, I know my job depends on me not saying anything. I can talk about politics and say what I know, but I can’t tell my viewpoint because the school has asked us not to, because people could get offended.
Chief Editor Sushanta Sarbeswar 

